Excited to check out a totally new to me area of the Mountain Loop, I set out on the Eight Mile Creek Trail towards Squire Creek Pass a bit before 9 in the morning. For some reason, I had become fixated on Higher Squire as a peakbagging objective (probably because of its proximity to Squire Creek Wall and the dramatic east faces of Three Fingers and Whitehorse) and now seemed like as good of a time as any to try it.

The Eight Mile Creek Trail was steep but pleasant, passing several impressively large trees and a cool blank granite face called Three O’clock Rock. Eventually things started to flatten out as the trail approached the pass and the forest began to open up a bit. I left the main trail before reaching the pass, choosing to head up in the direction of High Squire on a nearly dry granite creek bed. This was pleasant for a bit, but I was eventually forced out into the dew-covered heather and huckleberry bush slopes above. Travel was easy, but my shoes and socks were almost instantly soaked. It’s always pleasant when your shoes make a squelching sound with every step!
The route became a bit more convoluted near the summit as it wound its way through minor cliff bands. The final 300 feet or so was quite brushy and required numerous veggie belays as I bashed through small trees and undergrowth.
I eventually topped out and was treated with...a cloud right in front of Three Fingers. Oh well, the rest of the panorama was excellent, including the slabby granite face of Squire Creek Wall looking very Yosemite-Esque in the distance.

Much to my surprise as I veggie-belayed myself down and followed the same circuitous route through the cliff-bands, the clouds began slowly clearing. Before long I was able to make out most of Three Fingers!

This was a big highlight as I rejoined the trail and began my descent back to the trailhead. I hadn’t seen anyone all morning but did run into a few hikers and climbers (presumably headed for Three O’clock Rock) on the way down.

Satisfied with bagging Higher Squire and still with plenty of time in the day left, I decided to turn my attention to the nearby White Chuck next.
Final Stats: 6.1 miles / 2988 feet of gain
